Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Commentary on A Drive through Scottsville

Driving through a small town may be the usual, ho-hum experience for many people.  But driving through that small town may offer more to a person visually in the experience.  Not only because of what is there on all sides, but also the person as the center of that activity.

Notably, the driver is a part of the scene as well rather than isolated from it.  Instead of thinking of the perception as a looking out onto a stage, a person is tied in with the environment in which s/he travels.

This drawing won a juror's award at a Fall 2011 art show. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Commentary on Ego Trip

This was my entry for The Shoe Factory Art Co-op's show, "The Naked Self."  Artists were to portray their naked self, however that may be construed literally or metaphorically.

I was not sure the jurors would accept this drawing since I only exposed my face and feet, but they thought it was appropriate and I'm glad to have a drawing in their show (http://www.shoefactoryarts.com/).

As you can see from my submission, I took it in a metaphorical manner.  I recognize the mast may be a phallic symbol, but it's only a mast.  

Consider, rather, that unlike the mastheads of past ships, the boat-man here faces inward.  Also, this is a person who creates his own wind in order to direct his sail without external help.  Additionally, the boat-man does so on a continuous loop that does not go anywhere. 

That may be quite the ego trip.