All prices are in US dollars and please use PayPal. My E-address is
If you live in the WNY region then you may pay by cash and contact me for pick-up of artwork.
For an 8.5" x 11" photographic print of any image, the price is $20 and this includes shipping. I will sign it using pencil with the number of the print, signature, and date in the bottom margin. If you wish that I use a black marker then let me know.
For drawings less 18" x 24" the price is $50 and this includes shipping.
For 18" x 24" drawings the price is $100, and this also includes shipping.
For the 24" x 36" panel drawings the price is $300 and, you guessed it, this includes shipping.
International rates will add shipping costs as those will increase and vary beyond the US borders.